Publication of Festival Ratings

- Jul 11
MR7.02 (a)
Prior to the OLA Provincial Championships, the Corporation shall rank all clubs and place them into ratings (A, B, C, etc.) using the rankings that are calculated by the system agreed to at the AGM prior to the season (currently In order to receive an accurate ranking, all teams must play a minimum of ten (10) games, which must include one (1) tournament, by the following:
1. Pee Wee, Bantam and Midget ‘A’ Qualifier teams – 11 days prior to the first day of Qualifier play; and
2. Teams competing in the Provincial Festival (Tyke through Intermediate) – the 2nd Wednesday in July.
Any team who has played less than six (6) games will not be eligible to participate in the Provincial Championships. Any team who has played between six (6) and ten (10) games may be considered for approval to participate in the Provincial Championships. These games may be a combination of Zone play, tournament games and/or approved non-Zone games (house league games excluded). Additionally, all teams must fulfill their Zone commitment and be members in good standing.